The Club is governed by the Constitution:
Grampound Road Cricket Club is a registered Community Amateur Sports Club operated on a not-for-profit basis and dedicated to the provision of high quality cricket for all in the local community. For more information on our club aims and values, please see our Aims and Values page.
The club is run by a set of hardworking volunteers who make up the Committee. Committee members are elected at the AGM where every member is entitled to vote (and to volunteer to join the Committee). Current Committee members can be found on the Committee page.
The club also elects Vice Presidents in recognition of their long-standing commitment to the club and outstanding contributions to the history and development of Grampound Road Cricket Club. Current Vice-Presidents can be found on the Vice Presidents page.
Our club is run by a team of volunteer Members who make up our Committee. If you would like to help out in the running of our club - even in a very small way - we would be delighted to hear from you. Please get in touch!
Privacy and confidentiality: the minutes are provided in full, but this site is publicly accessible, therefore confidential information related to third parties and any personal information will be redacted. If you are a Member and wish to see the unredacted version please contact the Secretary using the details below.
Privacy and confidentiality: the minutes are provided in full, but this site is publicly accessible, therefore confidential information related to third parties and any personal information will be redacted. If you are a Member and wish to see the unredacted version please contact the Secretary using the details below.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.